Deretan Nestapa Rakyat Palestina Berikut ini kami tuliskan sebagiandari rangkaian berbagai peristiwa yang menjadikan derita dan nestapa
bagi rakyat Palestina.
1882 : Dimulailah aliya raya pertama atau imigrasi besar-besaran orang-orang yahudi ke Tanah Suci. Gelombang pertama imigran Zionis ini datang dari Eropa Timur
sebanyak 25.000 orang.
1896 : Wartawan Austria Theodor Herzl, pendiri gerakan Zionisme, menerbitkan pamflet berjudul Der Judenstaat yang menyebutkan bahwa masalah Yahudi hanya dapat dipecahkan dengan mendirikan negara Yahudi di Palestina atau di
tempat lain.
1897 : Kongres I Zionis di Basle,
Swiss. Para peserta kongres
sepakat perlu ada negeri sendiri,
tetapi mereka belum tahu di mana
negeri sendiri itu dan bagaimana
1904-1914 : Gelombang kedua
Zionis datang sebanyak 40.000 orang, sehingga populasi Yahudi di Palestina meningkat jadi 6% dari total penduduk.
1917 : Menlu Inggris Arthur J
Balfour mengeluarkan sebuah
deklarasi yang disebut Deklarasi
Balfour yang mendukung perlunya ada negeri sendiri bagi bangsa Yahudi di Palestina.
1919-1923 : Gelombang ketiga
imigran Zionis datang sebanyak
lebih dari 35.000 orang, sehingga populasi Yahudi di Palestina meningkat jadi 12% dengan kepemilikan tanah 3% dari luas total tanah.
1922 : Keluar apa yang disebut
“buku putih” Inggris mengenai
Palestina tentang pembagian
wilayah. Bagian timur disebut
Transjordania yang diserahkan
penguasaannya pada Emir
Hashemite Abdullah dan bagian
barat boleh ditempati orang-orang Yahudi tetapi hanya di sebelah barat Lembah Yordan.
1924-1928 : Gelombang keempat imigran Zionis datang sebanyak 67.000 orang, lebih 50% datang dari polandia. Sehingga populasi Yahudi di Palestina meningkat menjadi 16% dengan kepemilikan
tanah 4,2% dari total wilayah.
1929-1939 : Gelombang kelima
imigran Zionis datang sebanyak
250.000 orang, sehingga populasi Yahudi di Palestina meningkat jadi 30% dengan kepemilikan tanah 5,7% dari total wilayah.
1935 : November, Syeikh ‘Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam, ulama dari kota Haifa, memimpin perjuangan bersenjata pertama bangsa Palestina melawan pasukan Inggris dan Zionis. Beliau
gugur syahid tanggal 19 November.
1936-1939 : Pecah pemberontakan rakyat Palestina untuk menentang
perluasan pemukiman dan pendirian Negara Yahudi. Pemberontakan ini sudah mulai terjadi sejak tahun 1929. Di tengah terjadinya pemberontakan itu (1937) Komisi Peel mengusulkan pembagian Tanah Suci menjadi wilayah untuk orang Yahudi dan Arab.
1940-1945 : Kedatangan lebih dari 60.000 imigran Zionis, sehingga populasi Zionis menjadi 31% dan kepemilikan tanah menjadi 6,0%.
1947 : 18 Februari, Menlu Inggris
Ernest Bevin, mengumumkan
penyerahan masalah Palestina
kepada PBB.
26 September, Inggris mengumumkan keputusan untuk mengakhiri masa Mandat Inggris. Pada bulan November, Majelis Umum PBB memutuskan membagi Palestina menjadi dua bagian; Yahudi dan Palestina. Orang-orang Yahudi menerima keputusan itu, tetapi Palestina dan Negara-negara Arab
1948 : David Ben Gurion
memproklamasikan negara Israel
disusul pecah perang. Yordania
menduduki Tepi Barat dan Mesir
menguasai Jalur Gaza.
1949 : Perang berakhir dimenangkan Israel dan dicapai gencatan senjata dengan Mesir, Lebanon, Yordania dan Suriah. Sedikitnya 700.000 orang Palestina menjadi pengungsi.
1967 : Israel menyerang Mesir,
Suriah dan Yordania. Dan pecahlah Perang Enam Hari yang dimenangkan oleh Israel dengan menduduki Semenanjung Sinai, Dataran Tinggi Golan, Jalur Gaza dan Tepi Barat.
1969 : Yasser Arafat terpilih
sebagai pemimpin PLO.
1973 : Mesir dan Suriah
melancarkan serangan mendadak terhadap Israel yang menduduki Semenanjung Sinai dan Dataran Tinggi Golan. Perang ini disebut perang Yom Kippur, karena terjadi persis pada hari suci menurut kalender Yahudi, Hari Yom Kippur. Inilah kekalahan pertama Israel.
1977 : Presiden Mesir Anwar Sadat terbang ke Yerusalem dan berpidato di depan parlemen Israel, Knesset . Ia menawarkan perdamaian penuh jika Israel bersedia mundur sepenuhnya dari Sinai.
1978 : Pada tanggal 17 September, tercapai kesepakatan damai antara Israel dan Mesir. Kesepakatan damai yang disponsori Presiden AS Jimmy Carter itu ditandatangani PM Anwar Sadat di Camp David AS, pada bulan Maret 1979.
1981 : Pada tanggal 6 Oktober,
Presiden Anwar Sadat dibunuh
saat menghadiri parade militer untuk memperingati perang 1973 melawan Israel.
1987 : Pecah Intifadah pertama di wilayah penduduk Israel.
1991 : 30 Oktober, Konferensi
Perdamaian Timur Tengah di Madrid dengan kehadiran wakil Israel, Suriah, Yordania, Lebanon dan PLO. Konferensi ini disponsori Presiden Uni Sovyet Mikhail Gorbachev dan Presiden AS George Bush, pertemuan ini tidak membawa banyak hasil. Konferensi
Internasional untuk mendukung
Intifadah Palestina digelar di
Teheran, sebagai tandingan atas Konferensi Madrid.
1993 : Tercapai kesepakatan
antara Israel dan PLO di Oslo,
Norwegia. Perdana Menteri Israel Yitzhak Rabin dan Pemimpin Palestina Yasser Arafat menandatangani “Deklarasi Prinsip-Prinsip” di Washington. Kesepakatan ini menggarisbawahi rencana otonomi Palestina di wilayah pendudukan.
1994 : 4 Mei, Israel dan PLO
menandatangani kesepakatan yang memberikan otonomi pertama kepada Palestina di Tepi Barat danJalur Gaza yang diduduki Israelsejak 1967.
11 Mei, Israel mulai mengalihkan kekuasaan ke PLO, menyerahkan pangkalan militer Jalur Gaza.
13 Mei, Israel menyerahkan Jericho ke polisi Palestina.
1 Juli, Arafat memasuki Gaza dalam rangka mendirikan otorita Palestina
(Palestinian National Authority disingkat PNA).
1995 : 28 September, PLO dan
Israel mencapai kesepakatan
perluasan otonomi Palestina ke
sebagian besar Tepi Barat. 5
November, Yitzhak Rabin ditembak mati dalam sebuah kampanye perdamaian di Tel Aviv oleh Yigal Amir, seorang pemuda Yahudi fanatik yang anti perdamaian.
1996 : 29 Januari, warga Palestina mengadakan pemilu pertama kali untuk memilih presiden dan anggota
parlemen di Tepi Barat dan Jalur
Gaza. Yasser Arafat terpilih
sebagai presiden.
29 Mei, Partai Likud pimpinan Benyamin Netanyahu memenangkan pemilu dengan program memperlambat proses otonomi untuk memperbaiki keamanan, memperluas pemukiman dan menolak pembentukan negara Palestina.
1997 : 15 Januari, Netanyahu dan Arafat mencapai kesepakatan selama KTT di Erez mengenai perluasan otonomi Hebron dan Tepi
17 Januari, Perjanjian Al-
Khalil ditandatangani Israel-PNA. Isinya: 20% wilayah Al-Khalil tetap dikuasai Israel dan sisanya diserahkan kepada Palestinian National Authority atau PNA.
1998 : 23 Oktober, Perjanjian
Maryland ditandatangani Israel-PNA. Isinya: Israel menyerahkan sebagian wilayah di Tepi Barat kepada PNA, dan sebagai imbalan PNA berjanji mengatasi masalah kekerasan. 12 Desember, Pertemuan Majelis Nasional Palestina digelar di Gaza. Pertemuan ini sudah didesain AS dan Israel, sehingga keputusannya: menghapus salah satu isi deklarasi nasional Palestina yang menyebut
“penghapusan Israel”.
2000 : 22 Maret, Untuk pertama
kalinya Paus Yohanes Paulus II
mengunjungi Tanah Suci. Paus
dengan berapi-api membela
perlunya tanah air bagi para
pengungsi Palestina. 11 Juli,
Presiden AS Bill Clinton ingin
mengulangi keberhasilan
pendahulunya Presiden Jimmy
Carter dengan mengadakan KTT Camp David II, namun upaya ini gagal.
28 September, Intifadah II dimulai dengan pimpinan HAMAS. 29 September, Pecah kerusuhan
brutal di Yerusalem setelah Ariel
Sharon, pemimpin oposisi selama 45 menit masuk kompleks Haram al-Syarif, tempat di mana berdiri
Masjid al-Aqsha. Tindakan ini
memicu kerusuhan dan pertumpahan darah.
2001 : 6 Februari, Ariel Sharon,
otak pembantaian Sabra Satilla,
menjadi Perdana Menteri baru
17 Juli, Israel mengirim tank
dan unit infanteri ke Tepi Barat
sehari setelah seorang tentara
Israel tewas dibunuh.
14 Agustus, Tank-tank Israel masuk kota Jenin tepi Barat dan menembaki kantor polisi. Ini aksi militer terbesar Israel
di tepi Barat dan Jalur Gaza sejak 1994.
28 September, Ribuan orang
Palestina memperingati ulang tahun Intifadah dengan pawai, berdoa serta mengheningkan cipta.
19 Oktober, Tank-tank dan tentara Israel masuk ke wilayah Tepi Barat. Tentera Israel merebut sebagian besar wilayah Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus dan Jenin. Aksi kerusuhan
meningkat. 8 November, Tentara Israel menyerbu kamp pengungsi di Jalur Gaza dan Tepi Barat.
3 Desember, Helikopter tempur AS merudal wilayah dekat markas besar Yasser Arafat di kota Gaza disusul ancaman Ariel Sharon. Yasser Arafat menangkap lebih dari
110 anggota kelompok garis keras untuk memuaskan tuntutan Washington.
2002 : 15 Januari, Israel membunuh Raed al-Karmi pemimpin Brigade Al-Aqsha yang dituding bertanggung jawab atas 10 pembunuhan.
25 Januari, Israel mengerahkan
pesawat tempur menggempur Tepi Barat dan Jalur Gaza. 8 Maret, Tentara Israel mengamuk di Tepi Barat dan Jalur Gaza sehingga menewaskan 40 orang Palestina. Ini merupakan pertempuran terburuk setelah Intifadah 18 bulan silam.
10 Maret, Israel menghancurkan
markas besar Palestina di Jalur
12 Maret, Untuk pertama
kalinya PBB menyebut Negara
Palestina Merdeka, dan Sekjen PBB Kofi Annan menuduh Israel
melakukan “pendudukan tidak sah” atas tanah Palestina.
28 Maret, KTT Liga Arab sepakat untuk:
menjanjikan perdamaian dengan
Israel dan menjalin hubungan normal dan keamanan. Sebagai gantinya Israel harus menarik mundur pasukannya dari tanah pendudukan, penetapan negara Palestina dengan ibukota Yerusalem Timur,
“penyelesaian yang adil” terhadap jutaan pengungsi Palestina.
29 Maret, Tank-tank dan buldoser Israel menggempur kompleks Ramallah tempat Yasser Arafat berkantor dan kemudian mengepungnya. Sejak itu situasi Timur Tengah makin panas.
1 April, Tank-tank Israel masuk Turkarem dan Bethlehem dan bahkan menembaki Gereja Kelahiran Kristus dan mengepung kota tua itu. Dunia
mengecam aksi militer Israel itu,
namun negara Yahudi sama sekali tidak mempedulikannya bahkan meningkatkan serangannya atas Bethlehem dan kota-kota di Tepi
Barat lainnya. Hingga kini ratusan orang Palestina Syahid.
2004 : 22 Maret, Pemimpin Hamas, Syeikh Ahmad Yassin, gugur akibat serangan Israel.
17 April, Abdul Aziz
Rantissi pemimpin Hamas (pengganti Syeikh Ahmad Yassin) gugur akibat
serangan Israel.
9 Juli, Mahkamah Internasional menetapkan pembangunan Tembok Pemisah Israel adalah illegal, namun ketetapan ini tidak dihiraukan
Israel. Pembangunan tembok terus dilanjutkan sehingga membentuk sebuah penjara raksasa bagi banyak perkampungan Palestina.
26 Oktober, Gigihnya perjuangan Intifadah II membuat Israel kewalahan dan mengesahkan program penarikan mundur dari Jalur Gaza, sambil merancang konspirasi lain.
11 November, Yasser Arafat
meninggal dunia karena sebab yang tidak jelas.
2005 : September, Dimulainya
penarikan mundur tentara Israel
dari Jalur Gaza. Inilah kemenangan para pejuang Palestina setelah 38 tahun. Namun Israel terus memblokade, melancarkan serangan
dan teror ke jalur Gaza.
2008-2009 : Desember-Januari, Israel melancarkan agresi di bawah panji “Operation Cast Lead” yang menewaskan lebih dari 1400 warga Palestina dan melukai lebih dari 5000 lainnya.(bersambung)
Rows plight of Palestinians sebagiandari Here we write the sequence of events that makes the pain and sorrow for the Palestinian people. 1882: Began the first aliya highway or massive immigration of the Jews to the Holy Land. The first wave of Zionist immigrants came from Eastern Europe as many as 25,000 people. 1896: Austrian journalist Theodor Herzl, founder of Zionism, published a pamphlet entitled Der Judenstaat which states that the Jewish problem could only be solved by establishing a Jewish state in Palestine or in elsewhere. 1897: the first Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland. Congress participants agreed there needs to be its own country, but they do not know where own country and how get it. 1904-1914: The second wave Zionists are as many as 40,000 people, so that the Jewish population in Palestine increased to 6% of the total population. 1917: The British Foreign Secretary Arthur J Balfour issued a declaration called Declaration Balfour that supports the need for a home for the Jews in Palestine. 1919-1923: The third wave Zionist immigrants came as more than 35,000 people, so the Jewish population of Palestine had increased to 12% with 3% of the land holdings total area of land. 1922: Exit the so-called "White paper" on the UK Palestine on the division region. The eastern part is called Trans submitted mastery in Emir Hashemite Abdullah and parts be occupied western Jews but just to the west of the Jordan Valley. 1924-1928: The fourth wave of Zionist immigrants came as 67,000 people, over 50% came from the polish. So that the Jewish population in Palestine increased to 16% with ownership 4.2% of the total land area. 1929-1939: The fifth wave Zionist immigrants came as 250,000 people, so the Jewish population of Palestine had increased to 30% with ownership of 5.7% of the total land area. 1935: November, Sheikh 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam, clerics from the city of Haifa, the first to lead the Palestinian armed struggle against the British and the Zionists. He died a martyr on 19 November. 1936-1939: Break uprising of the Palestinian people to oppose settlement expansion and the establishment of the Jewish State. This rebellion has begun to happen in 1929. In the midst of the uprising (1937) Peel Commission proposed the division of the Holy Land into areas for Jews and Arabs. 1940-1945: Arrival of over 60,000 Zionist immigrants, so the Zionist population to 31% and to 6.0% of land ownership. 1947: February 18, British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, announced submission of Palestine problem to the United Nations. Sept. 26, Britain announced the decision to end the British Mandate period. In November, the UN General Assembly decided to divide Palestine into two parts; Jews and Palestinians. The Jews accepted the decision, but the Palestinians and Arab states reject it. 1948: David Ben Gurion proclaimed the state of Israel followed by the outbreak of war. Jordan occupied West Bank and Egypt control of the Gaza Strip. 1949: Israel won the war ended and reached a truce with Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. At least 700,000 Palestinians became refugees. 1967 Israel attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan. And the Six-Day War broke out, which was won by Israel to occupy the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. 1969: Yasser Arafat was elected as leader of the PLO. 1973: Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack against Israel occupying the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. This war is called Yom Kippur war, because it happened exactly on the holy day according to the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur. This is the first defeat of Israel. 1977: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat flew to Jerusalem and addressed the Israeli parliament, the Knesset. It offers full peace if Israel was willing to withdraw completely from Sinai. 1978: On September 17, reached a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt. Sponsored peace agreement U.S. President Jimmy Carter was signed by Prime Minister Anwar Sadat at Camp David U.S., in March 1979. 1981: On October 6, President Anwar Sadat was assassinated while attending a military parade to commemorate the 1973 war against Israel. 1987: Broke the first Intifada in the Israeli population. 1991: October 30, Conference Middle East peace in Madrid with the presence of representatives of Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and the PLO. The conference is sponsored by the President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev and U.S. President George Bush, this meeting did not bring many results. Conference International to support Palestinian Intifada held in Tehran, as opposed to the Madrid Conference. 1993: Reached agreement between Israel and the PLO in Oslo, Norway. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat signed the "Declaration of Principles" in Washington. This agreement underscores plans in occupied Palestinian autonomy. 1994: May 4, Israel and the PLO signed an agreement that gives autonomy to the first Palestinian in the West Bank occupied Gaza danJalur Israelsejak 1967. May 11, Israel began to transfer authority to the PLO, hand over military bases Gaza Strip. May 13, Israel handed over Jericho to Palestinian police. July 1, Arafat entered Gaza in order to establish the Palestinian Authority (Abbreviated Palestinian National Authority PNA). 1995: 28 September, the PLO and Israel reached an agreement expansion of the Palestinian Authority to most of the West Bank. 5 November, Yitzhak Rabin was shot dead in a campaign for peace in Tel Aviv by Yigal Amir, a Jewish youth fanatical anti-peace. 1996: January 29, Palestinians hold first elections to elect the president and members of parliament in the West Bank and Gaza Gaza. Yasser Arafat was elected as president. May 29, Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu won the elections with a program to slow the process of autonomy to improve safety, expand settlements and reject the establishment of a Palestinian state. 1997: January 15, Netanyahu and Arafat reached an agreement during the summit at the Erez crossing on the extension of autonomy Hebron and Edges West. January 17, Treaty of Al- Khalil signed Israel-PNA. Contents: 20% Al-Khalil region remains controlled by Israel and the rest is left to the Palestinian National Authority or PNA. 1998: October 23, Agreement Maryland signed Israel-PNA. Contents: Israel to give up some territory in the West Bank to the PNA, PNA and in return promised to tackle the problem of violence. December 12, the Palestinian National Council meeting held in Gaza. This meeting is designed U.S. and Israel, so his decision: remove one of the declarations contents Palestinian national calls "Elimination of Israel". 2000: March 22, for the first time Pope John Paul II visit the Holy Land. Pope vehemently defended the need for a homeland for the Palestinian refugees. July 11, U.S. President Bill Clinton wanted repeat success predecessor President Jimmy Carter at Camp David II summit held, but these efforts failed. 28 September, Intifada II begins with the leadership of Hamas. 29 September, riots Broke brutal in Jerusalem after Ariel Sharon, leader of the opposition for 45 minutes in. Haram al-Sharif compound, where stand Masjid al-Aqsa. This action sparked riots and bloodshed. 2001: February 6, Ariel Sharon, Sabra Satilla brain, became the new Prime Minister Israel. July 17, Israel sent tanks and infantry units to the West Bank day after a soldier Israeli killed. August 14, Israeli tanks entered the West Bank city of Jenin and opened fire on the police station. Israel's biggest military action in the West Bank and Gaza Strip since 1994. 28 September, thousands of people Palestinian Intifada anniversary with parades, prayers and a moment of silence. October 19, tanks and Israeli soldiers entered the West Bank. Tentera most areas Israel captured Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus and Jenin. Unrest increased. November 8, the Israeli army invaded the refugee camp in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. December 3, U.S. combat helicopters merudal area near the headquarters of Yasser Arafat in Gaza city followed Ariel Sharon's threat. Yasser Arafat arrested more than 110 militants to satisfy the demands of Washington. 2002: January 15, Israel killed Raed al-Karmi al-Aqsa Brigades leader is blamed for 10 murders. January 25, Israel deployed warplanes pounded the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. March 8, the Israeli army rampage in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, killing 40 Palestinians. This is the worst battle after the Intifada 18 months ago. March 10, Israel destroyed Palestinians in the Gaza headquarters Gaza. March 12, for the first UN calls time Country Independent Palestine, and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan accuses Israel doing "illegal occupation" of Palestinian land. March 28, the Arab League summit agreed to: promising peace with Israel and establish normal relations and security. Instead, Israel should withdraw its forces from the occupied lands, the establishment of a Palestinian state with its capital East Jerusalem, "Fair settlement" of millions of Palestinian refugees. March 29, tanks and Israeli bulldozers demolish the compound where Yasser Arafat's Ramallah office and then surrounded it. Since the Middle East situation hotter. 1 April, Israeli tanks entered Turkarem and Bethlehem and even shooting at Church of the Nativity of Christ and surrounded the old city. World condemned Israel's military action, but the Jewish state does not care about it at all even stepped up their attacks on the cities of Bethlehem and the Bank Other West. Until now, hundreds of Palestinians Killed. 2004: March 22, leader of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, died due to the Israeli attack. 17 April, Abdul Aziz Hamas leader Rantissi (substitute Sheikh Ahmad Yassin) fall due Israeli attack. July 9, the International Court deciding the construction of Israeli West Bank barrier is illegal, but this provision was ignored Israel. Continued construction of the wall to form a giant prison for many Palestinian villages. October 26, persistent struggle to make Israel Intifada II overwhelmed and validate program withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, while designing another conspiracy. 11 November, Yasser Arafat died from causes that are not clear. 2005: In September, Commencement withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip. This is the victory of Palestinians after 38 years. Yet Israel continues to blockade, launched an attack and terror into the Gaza Strip. 2008-2009: from December to January, Israel launched an aggression under the banner of "Operation Cast Lead" that killed more than 1400 Palestinians and wounded more than 5000 others. (Continued)
bagi rakyat Palestina.
1882 : Dimulailah aliya raya pertama atau imigrasi besar-besaran orang-orang yahudi ke Tanah Suci. Gelombang pertama imigran Zionis ini datang dari Eropa Timur
sebanyak 25.000 orang.
1896 : Wartawan Austria Theodor Herzl, pendiri gerakan Zionisme, menerbitkan pamflet berjudul Der Judenstaat yang menyebutkan bahwa masalah Yahudi hanya dapat dipecahkan dengan mendirikan negara Yahudi di Palestina atau di
tempat lain.
1897 : Kongres I Zionis di Basle,
Swiss. Para peserta kongres
sepakat perlu ada negeri sendiri,
tetapi mereka belum tahu di mana
negeri sendiri itu dan bagaimana
1904-1914 : Gelombang kedua
Zionis datang sebanyak 40.000 orang, sehingga populasi Yahudi di Palestina meningkat jadi 6% dari total penduduk.
1917 : Menlu Inggris Arthur J
Balfour mengeluarkan sebuah
deklarasi yang disebut Deklarasi
Balfour yang mendukung perlunya ada negeri sendiri bagi bangsa Yahudi di Palestina.
1919-1923 : Gelombang ketiga
imigran Zionis datang sebanyak
lebih dari 35.000 orang, sehingga populasi Yahudi di Palestina meningkat jadi 12% dengan kepemilikan tanah 3% dari luas total tanah.
1922 : Keluar apa yang disebut
“buku putih” Inggris mengenai
Palestina tentang pembagian
wilayah. Bagian timur disebut
Transjordania yang diserahkan
penguasaannya pada Emir
Hashemite Abdullah dan bagian
barat boleh ditempati orang-orang Yahudi tetapi hanya di sebelah barat Lembah Yordan.
1924-1928 : Gelombang keempat imigran Zionis datang sebanyak 67.000 orang, lebih 50% datang dari polandia. Sehingga populasi Yahudi di Palestina meningkat menjadi 16% dengan kepemilikan
tanah 4,2% dari total wilayah.
1929-1939 : Gelombang kelima
imigran Zionis datang sebanyak
250.000 orang, sehingga populasi Yahudi di Palestina meningkat jadi 30% dengan kepemilikan tanah 5,7% dari total wilayah.
1935 : November, Syeikh ‘Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam, ulama dari kota Haifa, memimpin perjuangan bersenjata pertama bangsa Palestina melawan pasukan Inggris dan Zionis. Beliau
gugur syahid tanggal 19 November.
1936-1939 : Pecah pemberontakan rakyat Palestina untuk menentang
perluasan pemukiman dan pendirian Negara Yahudi. Pemberontakan ini sudah mulai terjadi sejak tahun 1929. Di tengah terjadinya pemberontakan itu (1937) Komisi Peel mengusulkan pembagian Tanah Suci menjadi wilayah untuk orang Yahudi dan Arab.
1940-1945 : Kedatangan lebih dari 60.000 imigran Zionis, sehingga populasi Zionis menjadi 31% dan kepemilikan tanah menjadi 6,0%.
1947 : 18 Februari, Menlu Inggris
Ernest Bevin, mengumumkan
penyerahan masalah Palestina
kepada PBB.
26 September, Inggris mengumumkan keputusan untuk mengakhiri masa Mandat Inggris. Pada bulan November, Majelis Umum PBB memutuskan membagi Palestina menjadi dua bagian; Yahudi dan Palestina. Orang-orang Yahudi menerima keputusan itu, tetapi Palestina dan Negara-negara Arab
1948 : David Ben Gurion
memproklamasikan negara Israel
disusul pecah perang. Yordania
menduduki Tepi Barat dan Mesir
menguasai Jalur Gaza.
1949 : Perang berakhir dimenangkan Israel dan dicapai gencatan senjata dengan Mesir, Lebanon, Yordania dan Suriah. Sedikitnya 700.000 orang Palestina menjadi pengungsi.
1967 : Israel menyerang Mesir,
Suriah dan Yordania. Dan pecahlah Perang Enam Hari yang dimenangkan oleh Israel dengan menduduki Semenanjung Sinai, Dataran Tinggi Golan, Jalur Gaza dan Tepi Barat.
1969 : Yasser Arafat terpilih
sebagai pemimpin PLO.
1973 : Mesir dan Suriah
melancarkan serangan mendadak terhadap Israel yang menduduki Semenanjung Sinai dan Dataran Tinggi Golan. Perang ini disebut perang Yom Kippur, karena terjadi persis pada hari suci menurut kalender Yahudi, Hari Yom Kippur. Inilah kekalahan pertama Israel.
1977 : Presiden Mesir Anwar Sadat terbang ke Yerusalem dan berpidato di depan parlemen Israel, Knesset . Ia menawarkan perdamaian penuh jika Israel bersedia mundur sepenuhnya dari Sinai.
1978 : Pada tanggal 17 September, tercapai kesepakatan damai antara Israel dan Mesir. Kesepakatan damai yang disponsori Presiden AS Jimmy Carter itu ditandatangani PM Anwar Sadat di Camp David AS, pada bulan Maret 1979.
1981 : Pada tanggal 6 Oktober,
Presiden Anwar Sadat dibunuh
saat menghadiri parade militer untuk memperingati perang 1973 melawan Israel.
1987 : Pecah Intifadah pertama di wilayah penduduk Israel.
1991 : 30 Oktober, Konferensi
Perdamaian Timur Tengah di Madrid dengan kehadiran wakil Israel, Suriah, Yordania, Lebanon dan PLO. Konferensi ini disponsori Presiden Uni Sovyet Mikhail Gorbachev dan Presiden AS George Bush, pertemuan ini tidak membawa banyak hasil. Konferensi
Internasional untuk mendukung
Intifadah Palestina digelar di
Teheran, sebagai tandingan atas Konferensi Madrid.
1993 : Tercapai kesepakatan
antara Israel dan PLO di Oslo,
Norwegia. Perdana Menteri Israel Yitzhak Rabin dan Pemimpin Palestina Yasser Arafat menandatangani “Deklarasi Prinsip-Prinsip” di Washington. Kesepakatan ini menggarisbawahi rencana otonomi Palestina di wilayah pendudukan.
1994 : 4 Mei, Israel dan PLO
menandatangani kesepakatan yang memberikan otonomi pertama kepada Palestina di Tepi Barat danJalur Gaza yang diduduki Israelsejak 1967.
11 Mei, Israel mulai mengalihkan kekuasaan ke PLO, menyerahkan pangkalan militer Jalur Gaza.
13 Mei, Israel menyerahkan Jericho ke polisi Palestina.
1 Juli, Arafat memasuki Gaza dalam rangka mendirikan otorita Palestina
(Palestinian National Authority disingkat PNA).
1995 : 28 September, PLO dan
Israel mencapai kesepakatan
perluasan otonomi Palestina ke
sebagian besar Tepi Barat. 5
November, Yitzhak Rabin ditembak mati dalam sebuah kampanye perdamaian di Tel Aviv oleh Yigal Amir, seorang pemuda Yahudi fanatik yang anti perdamaian.
1996 : 29 Januari, warga Palestina mengadakan pemilu pertama kali untuk memilih presiden dan anggota
parlemen di Tepi Barat dan Jalur
Gaza. Yasser Arafat terpilih
sebagai presiden.
29 Mei, Partai Likud pimpinan Benyamin Netanyahu memenangkan pemilu dengan program memperlambat proses otonomi untuk memperbaiki keamanan, memperluas pemukiman dan menolak pembentukan negara Palestina.
1997 : 15 Januari, Netanyahu dan Arafat mencapai kesepakatan selama KTT di Erez mengenai perluasan otonomi Hebron dan Tepi
17 Januari, Perjanjian Al-
Khalil ditandatangani Israel-PNA. Isinya: 20% wilayah Al-Khalil tetap dikuasai Israel dan sisanya diserahkan kepada Palestinian National Authority atau PNA.
1998 : 23 Oktober, Perjanjian
Maryland ditandatangani Israel-PNA. Isinya: Israel menyerahkan sebagian wilayah di Tepi Barat kepada PNA, dan sebagai imbalan PNA berjanji mengatasi masalah kekerasan. 12 Desember, Pertemuan Majelis Nasional Palestina digelar di Gaza. Pertemuan ini sudah didesain AS dan Israel, sehingga keputusannya: menghapus salah satu isi deklarasi nasional Palestina yang menyebut
“penghapusan Israel”.
2000 : 22 Maret, Untuk pertama
kalinya Paus Yohanes Paulus II
mengunjungi Tanah Suci. Paus
dengan berapi-api membela
perlunya tanah air bagi para
pengungsi Palestina. 11 Juli,
Presiden AS Bill Clinton ingin
mengulangi keberhasilan
pendahulunya Presiden Jimmy
Carter dengan mengadakan KTT Camp David II, namun upaya ini gagal.
28 September, Intifadah II dimulai dengan pimpinan HAMAS. 29 September, Pecah kerusuhan
brutal di Yerusalem setelah Ariel
Sharon, pemimpin oposisi selama 45 menit masuk kompleks Haram al-Syarif, tempat di mana berdiri
Masjid al-Aqsha. Tindakan ini
memicu kerusuhan dan pertumpahan darah.
2001 : 6 Februari, Ariel Sharon,
otak pembantaian Sabra Satilla,
menjadi Perdana Menteri baru
17 Juli, Israel mengirim tank
dan unit infanteri ke Tepi Barat
sehari setelah seorang tentara
Israel tewas dibunuh.
14 Agustus, Tank-tank Israel masuk kota Jenin tepi Barat dan menembaki kantor polisi. Ini aksi militer terbesar Israel
di tepi Barat dan Jalur Gaza sejak 1994.
28 September, Ribuan orang
Palestina memperingati ulang tahun Intifadah dengan pawai, berdoa serta mengheningkan cipta.
19 Oktober, Tank-tank dan tentara Israel masuk ke wilayah Tepi Barat. Tentera Israel merebut sebagian besar wilayah Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus dan Jenin. Aksi kerusuhan
meningkat. 8 November, Tentara Israel menyerbu kamp pengungsi di Jalur Gaza dan Tepi Barat.
3 Desember, Helikopter tempur AS merudal wilayah dekat markas besar Yasser Arafat di kota Gaza disusul ancaman Ariel Sharon. Yasser Arafat menangkap lebih dari
110 anggota kelompok garis keras untuk memuaskan tuntutan Washington.
2002 : 15 Januari, Israel membunuh Raed al-Karmi pemimpin Brigade Al-Aqsha yang dituding bertanggung jawab atas 10 pembunuhan.
25 Januari, Israel mengerahkan
pesawat tempur menggempur Tepi Barat dan Jalur Gaza. 8 Maret, Tentara Israel mengamuk di Tepi Barat dan Jalur Gaza sehingga menewaskan 40 orang Palestina. Ini merupakan pertempuran terburuk setelah Intifadah 18 bulan silam.
10 Maret, Israel menghancurkan
markas besar Palestina di Jalur
12 Maret, Untuk pertama
kalinya PBB menyebut Negara
Palestina Merdeka, dan Sekjen PBB Kofi Annan menuduh Israel
melakukan “pendudukan tidak sah” atas tanah Palestina.
28 Maret, KTT Liga Arab sepakat untuk:
menjanjikan perdamaian dengan
Israel dan menjalin hubungan normal dan keamanan. Sebagai gantinya Israel harus menarik mundur pasukannya dari tanah pendudukan, penetapan negara Palestina dengan ibukota Yerusalem Timur,
“penyelesaian yang adil” terhadap jutaan pengungsi Palestina.
29 Maret, Tank-tank dan buldoser Israel menggempur kompleks Ramallah tempat Yasser Arafat berkantor dan kemudian mengepungnya. Sejak itu situasi Timur Tengah makin panas.
1 April, Tank-tank Israel masuk Turkarem dan Bethlehem dan bahkan menembaki Gereja Kelahiran Kristus dan mengepung kota tua itu. Dunia
mengecam aksi militer Israel itu,
namun negara Yahudi sama sekali tidak mempedulikannya bahkan meningkatkan serangannya atas Bethlehem dan kota-kota di Tepi
Barat lainnya. Hingga kini ratusan orang Palestina Syahid.
2004 : 22 Maret, Pemimpin Hamas, Syeikh Ahmad Yassin, gugur akibat serangan Israel.
17 April, Abdul Aziz
Rantissi pemimpin Hamas (pengganti Syeikh Ahmad Yassin) gugur akibat
serangan Israel.
9 Juli, Mahkamah Internasional menetapkan pembangunan Tembok Pemisah Israel adalah illegal, namun ketetapan ini tidak dihiraukan
Israel. Pembangunan tembok terus dilanjutkan sehingga membentuk sebuah penjara raksasa bagi banyak perkampungan Palestina.
26 Oktober, Gigihnya perjuangan Intifadah II membuat Israel kewalahan dan mengesahkan program penarikan mundur dari Jalur Gaza, sambil merancang konspirasi lain.
11 November, Yasser Arafat
meninggal dunia karena sebab yang tidak jelas.
2005 : September, Dimulainya
penarikan mundur tentara Israel
dari Jalur Gaza. Inilah kemenangan para pejuang Palestina setelah 38 tahun. Namun Israel terus memblokade, melancarkan serangan
dan teror ke jalur Gaza.
2008-2009 : Desember-Januari, Israel melancarkan agresi di bawah panji “Operation Cast Lead” yang menewaskan lebih dari 1400 warga Palestina dan melukai lebih dari 5000 lainnya.(bersambung)
Rows plight of Palestinians sebagiandari Here we write the sequence of events that makes the pain and sorrow for the Palestinian people. 1882: Began the first aliya highway or massive immigration of the Jews to the Holy Land. The first wave of Zionist immigrants came from Eastern Europe as many as 25,000 people. 1896: Austrian journalist Theodor Herzl, founder of Zionism, published a pamphlet entitled Der Judenstaat which states that the Jewish problem could only be solved by establishing a Jewish state in Palestine or in elsewhere. 1897: the first Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland. Congress participants agreed there needs to be its own country, but they do not know where own country and how get it. 1904-1914: The second wave Zionists are as many as 40,000 people, so that the Jewish population in Palestine increased to 6% of the total population. 1917: The British Foreign Secretary Arthur J Balfour issued a declaration called Declaration Balfour that supports the need for a home for the Jews in Palestine. 1919-1923: The third wave Zionist immigrants came as more than 35,000 people, so the Jewish population of Palestine had increased to 12% with 3% of the land holdings total area of land. 1922: Exit the so-called "White paper" on the UK Palestine on the division region. The eastern part is called Trans submitted mastery in Emir Hashemite Abdullah and parts be occupied western Jews but just to the west of the Jordan Valley. 1924-1928: The fourth wave of Zionist immigrants came as 67,000 people, over 50% came from the polish. So that the Jewish population in Palestine increased to 16% with ownership 4.2% of the total land area. 1929-1939: The fifth wave Zionist immigrants came as 250,000 people, so the Jewish population of Palestine had increased to 30% with ownership of 5.7% of the total land area. 1935: November, Sheikh 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam, clerics from the city of Haifa, the first to lead the Palestinian armed struggle against the British and the Zionists. He died a martyr on 19 November. 1936-1939: Break uprising of the Palestinian people to oppose settlement expansion and the establishment of the Jewish State. This rebellion has begun to happen in 1929. In the midst of the uprising (1937) Peel Commission proposed the division of the Holy Land into areas for Jews and Arabs. 1940-1945: Arrival of over 60,000 Zionist immigrants, so the Zionist population to 31% and to 6.0% of land ownership. 1947: February 18, British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, announced submission of Palestine problem to the United Nations. Sept. 26, Britain announced the decision to end the British Mandate period. In November, the UN General Assembly decided to divide Palestine into two parts; Jews and Palestinians. The Jews accepted the decision, but the Palestinians and Arab states reject it. 1948: David Ben Gurion proclaimed the state of Israel followed by the outbreak of war. Jordan occupied West Bank and Egypt control of the Gaza Strip. 1949: Israel won the war ended and reached a truce with Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. At least 700,000 Palestinians became refugees. 1967 Israel attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan. And the Six-Day War broke out, which was won by Israel to occupy the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. 1969: Yasser Arafat was elected as leader of the PLO. 1973: Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack against Israel occupying the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. This war is called Yom Kippur war, because it happened exactly on the holy day according to the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur. This is the first defeat of Israel. 1977: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat flew to Jerusalem and addressed the Israeli parliament, the Knesset. It offers full peace if Israel was willing to withdraw completely from Sinai. 1978: On September 17, reached a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt. Sponsored peace agreement U.S. President Jimmy Carter was signed by Prime Minister Anwar Sadat at Camp David U.S., in March 1979. 1981: On October 6, President Anwar Sadat was assassinated while attending a military parade to commemorate the 1973 war against Israel. 1987: Broke the first Intifada in the Israeli population. 1991: October 30, Conference Middle East peace in Madrid with the presence of representatives of Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and the PLO. The conference is sponsored by the President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev and U.S. President George Bush, this meeting did not bring many results. Conference International to support Palestinian Intifada held in Tehran, as opposed to the Madrid Conference. 1993: Reached agreement between Israel and the PLO in Oslo, Norway. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat signed the "Declaration of Principles" in Washington. This agreement underscores plans in occupied Palestinian autonomy. 1994: May 4, Israel and the PLO signed an agreement that gives autonomy to the first Palestinian in the West Bank occupied Gaza danJalur Israelsejak 1967. May 11, Israel began to transfer authority to the PLO, hand over military bases Gaza Strip. May 13, Israel handed over Jericho to Palestinian police. July 1, Arafat entered Gaza in order to establish the Palestinian Authority (Abbreviated Palestinian National Authority PNA). 1995: 28 September, the PLO and Israel reached an agreement expansion of the Palestinian Authority to most of the West Bank. 5 November, Yitzhak Rabin was shot dead in a campaign for peace in Tel Aviv by Yigal Amir, a Jewish youth fanatical anti-peace. 1996: January 29, Palestinians hold first elections to elect the president and members of parliament in the West Bank and Gaza Gaza. Yasser Arafat was elected as president. May 29, Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu won the elections with a program to slow the process of autonomy to improve safety, expand settlements and reject the establishment of a Palestinian state. 1997: January 15, Netanyahu and Arafat reached an agreement during the summit at the Erez crossing on the extension of autonomy Hebron and Edges West. January 17, Treaty of Al- Khalil signed Israel-PNA. Contents: 20% Al-Khalil region remains controlled by Israel and the rest is left to the Palestinian National Authority or PNA. 1998: October 23, Agreement Maryland signed Israel-PNA. Contents: Israel to give up some territory in the West Bank to the PNA, PNA and in return promised to tackle the problem of violence. December 12, the Palestinian National Council meeting held in Gaza. This meeting is designed U.S. and Israel, so his decision: remove one of the declarations contents Palestinian national calls "Elimination of Israel". 2000: March 22, for the first time Pope John Paul II visit the Holy Land. Pope vehemently defended the need for a homeland for the Palestinian refugees. July 11, U.S. President Bill Clinton wanted repeat success predecessor President Jimmy Carter at Camp David II summit held, but these efforts failed. 28 September, Intifada II begins with the leadership of Hamas. 29 September, riots Broke brutal in Jerusalem after Ariel Sharon, leader of the opposition for 45 minutes in. Haram al-Sharif compound, where stand Masjid al-Aqsa. This action sparked riots and bloodshed. 2001: February 6, Ariel Sharon, Sabra Satilla brain, became the new Prime Minister Israel. July 17, Israel sent tanks and infantry units to the West Bank day after a soldier Israeli killed. August 14, Israeli tanks entered the West Bank city of Jenin and opened fire on the police station. Israel's biggest military action in the West Bank and Gaza Strip since 1994. 28 September, thousands of people Palestinian Intifada anniversary with parades, prayers and a moment of silence. October 19, tanks and Israeli soldiers entered the West Bank. Tentera most areas Israel captured Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus and Jenin. Unrest increased. November 8, the Israeli army invaded the refugee camp in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. December 3, U.S. combat helicopters merudal area near the headquarters of Yasser Arafat in Gaza city followed Ariel Sharon's threat. Yasser Arafat arrested more than 110 militants to satisfy the demands of Washington. 2002: January 15, Israel killed Raed al-Karmi al-Aqsa Brigades leader is blamed for 10 murders. January 25, Israel deployed warplanes pounded the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. March 8, the Israeli army rampage in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, killing 40 Palestinians. This is the worst battle after the Intifada 18 months ago. March 10, Israel destroyed Palestinians in the Gaza headquarters Gaza. March 12, for the first UN calls time Country Independent Palestine, and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan accuses Israel doing "illegal occupation" of Palestinian land. March 28, the Arab League summit agreed to: promising peace with Israel and establish normal relations and security. Instead, Israel should withdraw its forces from the occupied lands, the establishment of a Palestinian state with its capital East Jerusalem, "Fair settlement" of millions of Palestinian refugees. March 29, tanks and Israeli bulldozers demolish the compound where Yasser Arafat's Ramallah office and then surrounded it. Since the Middle East situation hotter. 1 April, Israeli tanks entered Turkarem and Bethlehem and even shooting at Church of the Nativity of Christ and surrounded the old city. World condemned Israel's military action, but the Jewish state does not care about it at all even stepped up their attacks on the cities of Bethlehem and the Bank Other West. Until now, hundreds of Palestinians Killed. 2004: March 22, leader of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, died due to the Israeli attack. 17 April, Abdul Aziz Hamas leader Rantissi (substitute Sheikh Ahmad Yassin) fall due Israeli attack. July 9, the International Court deciding the construction of Israeli West Bank barrier is illegal, but this provision was ignored Israel. Continued construction of the wall to form a giant prison for many Palestinian villages. October 26, persistent struggle to make Israel Intifada II overwhelmed and validate program withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, while designing another conspiracy. 11 November, Yasser Arafat died from causes that are not clear. 2005: In September, Commencement withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip. This is the victory of Palestinians after 38 years. Yet Israel continues to blockade, launched an attack and terror into the Gaza Strip. 2008-2009: from December to January, Israel launched an aggression under the banner of "Operation Cast Lead" that killed more than 1400 Palestinians and wounded more than 5000 others. (Continued)
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